Marriage Counselling


Marriage Counselling: Revitalise your relationship and reconnect with your partner.

Marriage Counselling offers an opportunity to revitalise your relationship. Do you remember those early days when you shared your hopes and dreams, when you couldn’t wait to be together, when you spent hours making love? As a relationship progresses all too often we stop sharing and caring. Sometimes we can be resentful of our partner, as the old saying goes “you always hurt the one you love”, instead of sharing thoughts and feelings in the way we did in the early days, we separate, getting lost in our own thoughts and feelings. We stop sharing anxieties of work, money, health, etc. We get grumpy instead telling our partner what is upsetting us and asking for help and advice.

Trying to juggle children/work/home puts a strain on couples too in modern life where both partners are working. Counselling helps you adjust your work/life balance and improve your relationships with one another, making for a happy family life.